November 15, 2011

Essential Blindness

Kenneth Burke wrote "A way of seeing is also a way of not seeing."

I am not sure what you thought when you first read that quote.

For me, at first I didn't get it. Then I thought about it more, and thought maybe I am getting it (but there is even still likely a portion of it that has not yet occurred for me).

We all have a way that we "see" the world. And if we are honest, we realize there are other people who "see" the world in a perpective that is unique from ours.

There are things we don't see; things that don't occur to us; things unseen; things we are essentially blind to.

I'm wondering how to best access those things that are unseen in order to bring them into view so that I can add them to my "unseen" realm.

For me, it is beginning with realizing there are other insightful perspectives out there.

How willing am I to tap into the sheer brilliance all around me?

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