February 15, 2011


A quote from "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller

"I asked Bob what was the key to living such a great story...he responded that he didn't think we should be afraid to embrace whimsy. I asked him what he meant by whimsy, and he struggled to define it. He said it's that nagging idea that life could be magical; it could be special if we were only willing to take a few risks."

As I was reading this book by Donald Miller, I was at a point where I was coming near the end of 2010 and I was reflecting back on the year just gone by as well as the previous years of my life.

And as I read this, it was as if I was swallowing a chocolate covered rotten fish. I say this because at first when I read it, I was like "wow that is such a cool thought." But then, just as the thought sunk in, it hit me that I don't take enough risks in my life.

And that is a tough fish to swallow. 

And so I decided at that moment I could not live life without the whimsy.

And so we, my wife Sarah and I, have started taking risks. Within a few weeks of reading the book, we started buying/investing in some things to help Sarah begin her photography/film/design business. We purchased a new computer, a new camera, and some supplies.

Sarah is now an entrepreneur, telling stories through photography and film, doing what she loves. She is building a business. You can find her at www.twentytwentystudios.com

And we have taken a substantial financial risk to pay for training for me to pursue one of my dreams to be a type of "human uniqueness consultant" or something along those lines. I have a passion to help people find their calling, their passion in life. And up until now, I have been afraid to think I could actually make money doing this. But I have decided to take the risk.

Sometimes I am afraid to lead, yet I know I am called to, and so I have chosen to lead (and join) a movement of men called "Reflect Design." Reflect Design is a movement of men passionate about reflecting on the past and designing the future to ensure that we are putting into action our thoughts, passions, dreams, hopes, risks and convinced that sometimes you just gotta get started and learn as you go.

Reflect Design has began, and we are experimenting into the future.

Because I cannot stand to live life without it being whimsical. And the whimsical life involves risk. And risk involves failure. And failure is guaranteed. And the guarantee is that if you embrace the inherent risks, yet take them anyway, your life will be a story worth telling. Your life will be whimsical.

I am not sure how people live any other way.

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