And then we are given the opportunity to respond to those events and even create occurrences of our own.
And when life offers us, well, day to day happenings, such as
- We take a risk and it doesn't turn out as we hoped
- We offend someone (and become aware of it after the fact)
- Our boss treats us a certain way
- There is miscommunication between friends
- Our day doesn't turn out the way we had hoped
- We receive an email that is hurtful
- Traffic
- Etc, you get the idea...
When life offers us these events, there is often a response that is what I (and others) refer to as a default response. It is the response that comes to mind first or takes precedence over other possible options.
There is just one problem with this. The default response doesn't always get us towards the vision we have for our future. At times, if we choose that default response, it will be devastating for the life we say we want.
And so we can choose the default response. Or we can choose to creatively subvert the default. We can choose to notice where it will get us, and if it pulls us from our vision, we can choose a different response - one that is in line with the vision we say we have for our life.
And if we are committed to that vision, we will get creative. We will not be run by our default response. We will intently choose our response. And sometimes the subversive response that we choose will miss the mark as well. And we will notice, and continue to choose other creative responses until we land the one that fully enables our vision.
If you are run by your default response, it causes me to wonder if your vision is really what you say it is. Don't fool yourself. If your impact is not in line with the vision you say you want, then it is not truly your vision...yet...up until now on.
But you can choose a different future. From now on, you can choose to live in line with your vision.
If the impact is in line with your vision, you are hitting it. If it's not, you missed it. Simple as that. Then you have the chance to go again. And again. And again. Until your desired impact lands with those around you.
Choose to subvert your default (when necessary).
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