February 12, 2012

Born to Run Entry 1

"The reason we race isn't so much to beat each other, it is to be with each other."

I read this quote in the book "Born to Run."

In a book filled with intrique, it was one of the most thought provoking moments for me.

The book tells many stories of how competitive running can be, and yet at the end of the day many of the runners spoken of in the book run more to be with each other than to beat each other (although they love to win, of course).

And then I thought about life. I wondered about how often I get consumed with beating someone else rather than being with them.

I decided there needed to be at least a couple of conversations this week where I confess to someone that I have let something trump my desire to truly be with someone - to connecting fully with them.

Who could you talk to this week and make a commitment to have "being with them" trump all else?

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