Yesterday was a long day.
I left the house around 7am and arrived back home around 11pm.
I spent close to 4 hours in my car, got rear ended (no damage), made 2 trips to fry's, had 2 amazing coaching sessions with clients, and even went on a date with my lovely wife to Triple Rock Brewery. Did I mention that my wife is amazing?
It was one of those days that didn't show up much like I had planned.
Come to think of it, rarely does a day show up as it "should." I am aware that I am the only person who struggles with this, but humor me :)
Throughout the day, on numerous occasions, I reminded myself that the day was "perfect." The day was showing up just fine. And I was responsible for how I responded to what the day presented. And I could only take such responsibility once I gave up complaining about how all of this stuff wasn't supposed to happen.
And then I look back, and I could enjoy the day that God gave to me as a gift.
And I went to bed incredibly energized.
Because I chose to take delight in my vision for the future rather than complain about my circumstances.
Even when my vision scares the heck out of me at times.
But then again, who wants to live a life that doesn't scare them and even make them a bit nauseous from time to time?
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