Can I be honest? Right now I am struggling...I have some direction, but am seeking more...all the while continuing to initiate things because that is where so much wisdom is learned and direction gained...
I am initiating things...yet am unsure if I am finishing them...but then I am...but am I?
I love standing with people and being with them in their personal development. I love it.
I love seeing possibilities opened, clarity discovered, souls explored, lives imagined
And I am actively doing all of this. I am standing with people, coaching them, if you will, although for some reason I am not a fan of the word "coaching" for some reason...
For me, "coaching" brings to mind a sort of semi motivational pep talk that rarely produces an elevation in results...
So what can I call what it is that I do and the way it is that I am being with people in exploring their personal development and elevating the leadership capacity?
Curious Exploration?
Imagine Navigation?
Imagine Curiosity?
Life Design? (although I don't like this one because I am not designing someone's life, I am rather exploring someone's heart with them and then pulling it together with them in such a way that produces transformation)...
Heart Discovery?
Imagine Elevation?
Excel + Elevation = Excelevation? Hmmm that one is kinda weird...
As you can potentially gather, I am in the process of branding myself.
I am putting into language what it is that I love to do...and then branding myself...with the vision of being able to do what I love to do at a professional level, make a difference in the world, and make a living doing so.
So, a couple of things I would love from you:
1. If you know me, would you mind putting to language how it is that you experience me?
2. If you have a cool company name idea/personal brand idea that I could start, and I pick your idea...I would offer in return three free hours of coaching for you (in person or on the phone/skype).
3. I am gaining experience coaching, and so if you are interested, email me at and we could set up a time to get together (in person or on phone/skype). I am offering to do the first 75-90 minute "session" for free. After that, if you like it, we can talk about pricing for future sessions.
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
David Gerber, a guy with a passion for seeing people excel!